Child Services

Service Highlights

Despite confronting the rampant outbreak of the fifth wave of pandemic, the Society’s children services units, including Foster Care Service, After School Care and Support Programme (ASCSP), Neighbourhood Support Child Care Project (NSCCP) and the Pilot Scheme on Social Work Service for Pre-primary Institutions (PPI), offered support services to children and families in need through such means as online learning support and donation of anti-epidemic materials. When the pandemic situation became stable and schools resumed, our service units assisted pupils on adapting to the arrangement of class resumption and their learning progress. We also supported parents as well.

Regularise Social Work Service for Pre-primary Institutions Work with our partners to raise awareness about child care, continuously recruit foster families and home-based child carers to provide proper care to children in need
Overcome limitations of the pandemic by arranging multifaceted activities to boost students' self-efficacy and sense of optimism Promulgate the theme of “Family.Parent-child harmonious time” and promote the message of “Child Protection” and host diverse parenting educational programmes in divergent formats for parents and carers in various districts

Regularise Social Work Service for Pre-primary Institutions

Subvented by the Social Welfare Department (SWD), the Society has initiated the “Pilot Scheme on Social Work Service for Pre-primary Institutions” since 2019. After coming to a successful completion in July, 2022, the Service has been regularised since August, 2022. With reference to the evaluation study report during the Pilot Scheme, SWD proposed to implement the “District-based Social Work Teams” by phase. The First phase covered Hong Kong Eastern and Wan Chai District, Shamshuipo District, Tai Po and North District, and Tuen Mun District. We were granted to render social services in kindergarten in Tuen Mun East, which will be commenced in August, 2023. 

Simulated stage performance
Parent-child cart

Work with Our Partners to Raise Awareness about Child Care, Continuously Recruit Foster Families and Home-based Child Carers to Provide Proper Care to Children in Need

Under the theme of “Fostering Love, Blessing Families”, a serious of Charity Premiere activities were pursued. We partnered with foster parents to arouse the concern about the needs of foster children. We also furthered society’s understanding of foster care service and recruited more foster families. Through various means, such as setting up roadshow, cooperating with kindergartens and using social media, we promulgated the "Neighbourhood Support Child Care Project" in the community so as to draw residents' attention towards childcare arrangement and to convey the message of "preventing children from being left unattended at home". Meanwhile, we proactively recruited suitable women as home based child-carers in response to the needs of child care in the community and to boost mutual help among the neighbourhood.

We promoted the "Neighbourhood Support Child Care Project" in the community and actively recruited suitable women as home based child carers
Nurturing your heart

Overcome Limitations of the Pandemic by Arranging Multifaceted Activities to Boost Students' Self-efficacy and Sense of Optimism

As the pandemic gradually receded, schools steadily resumed and students had to return and adapt to their daily life. More than simply providing academic support, our After School Care Service (ASCP) helped students develop an attitude of “Independent Learning”, therefore reducing family conflicts caused by academic pursuit. To relieve stress brought onto students due to changes, we collaborated with a secondary school in our district this year. Hosted by seniors, a stress-reducing art group was launched for students, aiding them to express feelings without restraint through art while identifying students in need and provide immediate support.

Due to the resumption of classes, the amount of homework has increased. Tutors helped student with their problems in assignments
Other than academic progress, social interaction is an important aspect in life. Tutors hosted games through which students acquired socialising
The stress-reducing art group held by seniors allowed students to create art freely and unleash their creativity

Promulgate the Theme of “Family.Parent-child Harmonious Time” and Promote the Message of “Child Protection” and Host Diverse Parenting Educational Programmes in Divergent Formats for Parents and Carers in Various Districts

To promulgate the message of ‘Child Protection’, we have, under the theme of “Family.Parent-child Harmonious Time”, introduced divergent parent child activities and the principle of 6A’s positive parenting to parents through social media, so as to improve parent-child relationship and advocate the message of ‘Harmonious Family’. Parenting talks and workshops were also held at sundry pre-primary institutions for parents to understand children’s needs and to acquire parenting and emotional management methods.

Introduced the "Neighbourhood Support Child Care Project" at the open day of a kindergarten and publicising the message of "Child Protection" to parents and children