To address the varying needs of elderly at different stages, we strive to facilitate “Active Ageing”, “Ageing in Place” and “Continuum of Care” and to uphold our mission of “Supporting Family and Care for the Elderly”, we support families and communities to facilitate positive ageing of their elder members.
Develop diverse psychosocial services to enhance quality of community care service
Facilitate wellbeing and development of the seniors, fostering community involvement and support for elderly carers
Harness the power of gerontechnology to assist physical and cognitive rehabilitation, and social connection
Deliver community education and support through advanced care planning
Advocate for the mental wellness of elders and carers
Develop Diverse Psychosocial Services to Enhance Quality of Community Care Service
The community care and support services for the elderly not only provide basic support services such as meal delivery services, home cleaning, and escorting service, but also offer diverse psychosocial services to broaden social network of the seniors, strengthening their connection with the community, and ultimately enhancing their overall wellbeing. We organised various day centre activities, lectures, workshops, outings, and volunteer events to provide the elderly and their caregivers with different learning opportunities and experiences, encouraging them to keep up with the times and increase their life satisfaction. We also collaborated with Financial Education Centre to tailor financial literacy activities specifically for disadvantaged seniors, covering topics such as consumerism, fraud prevention, and electronic payments to enhance their financial competence.
Visited the flower show and enjoyed a vegetarian buffet"Technology Team" created a 3D holographic projection deviceA laundry company offered free laundry services and conducted informative workshops on home garment care for the seniorsA Lunar New Year gathering with lucky draw was hosted to celebrate the festive season with the elderly
Facilitate Wellbeing and Development of the Seniors, Fostering Community Involvement and Support for Elderly Carers
The Kowloon City Centre for Active Ageing is dedicated to enhancing the holistic wellbeing of the seniors and carers through various dimensions. This year, the centre continued its successful implementation of the "Jockey Club Community eHealth Care Project". Through a wide range of activities, the project aimed to encourage seniors to establish regular exercise habits, provide training for older adults with symptoms of Sarcopenia, and conduct workshops to promote their psychosocial wellbeing.
Another initiative, the Elderly Carers Support Project has enriched its website content and effectively raised community awareness of the needs of elderly carers through outreach activities, visits to street booths and merchants, the formulation of an "Elderly Carers Charter," and the organisation of an Elderly Carers Forum. The project also provided training for "Elderly Care Experts" and hosted various stress-relieving activities, including the "Elderly Carers Café", to foster mutual assistance and support among elderly carers.
By engaging in Pilates training, participants could enhance their muscle strength, balance, and body coordinationEstablishing a profound connection with nature allowed participants to improve their physical and mental wellbeingThe "Cornhole Volunteer Scheme" aimed to share its remarkable achievements with the public and awarded volunteersThe Society has established an "Elderly Carers Charter", calling upon different sectors to work together in building an elderly-friendly community
Harness the Power of Gerontechnology to Assist Physical and Cognitive Rehabilitation, and Social Connection
Through the "Lifestyle Reactivation Project: Jockey Club Smart Homecare Solution" funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the elderly were empowered to embrace the concept of ageing in place, being able to engage in self-directed rehabilitation exercises and cognitive training games from the comfort of their own homes. Through the utilisation of various gerontechnologies, including tablets, biometric devices, and computer programmes for self-guided rehabilitation training, combining the support from medical teams, the Society’s staff, trained volunteers and elderly carers, the seniors were encouraged to stay connected with the community. This collaborative effort aimed to establish a healthy lifestyle for seniors in need, promoting their physical and cognitive abilities, maintaining social engagement and connections, and ultimately achieving physical, mental, and social wellbeing.
By watching exercise videos, therapy assistants guided seniors to perform rehabilitation exercises at home, promoting strength and overall wellbeingVolunteers joined in cognitive and brain-teasing games with the seniors
Deliver Community Education and Support through Advanced Care Planning
The "Advance Care Planning Project" has received funding from the Vera Ruttonjee Desai Charitable Fund. Over the course of two and a half years, our dedicated team has assisted 137 seniors in developing their advance care plans and supported them in signing the "Three Treasures of Peace", (including an enduring power of attorney, an advance medical directive and a will). Our social workers actively encouraged seniors to explore their personal values and preferences for end-of-life care plans, collaborating with doctors and lawyers to ensure completion of the necessary paperwork. With the help of volunteers, we have accompanied 128 seniors in fulfilling their end-of-life wishes. Through a series of workshops and community education activities, we promoted the importance of early planning for end-of-life care to the public. In particular, we have published the "Advance Care Planning Project Overall Sharing Booklet" and organised the "Advance Care Planning Forum" to share the significant research outcomes and experiences of the project, engaging various stakeholders in exploring ways to promote advance care planning in the community.
With the assistance of doctors or lawyers, participants of the "Advance Care Planning Project" signed relevant documents for their advance care plansVolunteers wrote life stories for the elderly, affirming their accomplishments and helping them fulfill their wishes
Government officials, medical professionals, and social experts were invited to join our discussion on the prospects and challenges of advance care planning
Advocate for the Mental Wellness of Elders and Carers
Supported by the "Advisory Committee on Mental Health - Mental Health Initiatives Funding Scheme", the "Smiley Activation Project – Emotional Health Support Service" has been able to assist middle-aged and elderly individuals, as well as their caregivers, who were affected by depressive symptoms. Over the past two years, the project focused on rebuilding community connections, engaging in pleasant activities, and enhancing their problem-solving skills to improve negative emotions. It also aimed to raise awareness among community members about the emotional wellbeing of the elderly and the needs of carers. The booklet "Walking with My Depressive Mood" was published, featuring personal stories shared by service users who have journeyed alongside depression. Additionally, we implemented the Emotional Health Management Programme, Emotional Health Care Line, psycho-social programmes, educational activities, and volunteer services. In total, 535 individuals have benefited from the programme, with a total of 6,546 service sessions provided. We have registered 108 volunteers who contributed a total of 1,958 service hours.
Nurturing aspirations with canned seed plantsCommunity education book shared the journey living with depressionTraining sessions for social workers