We provide support in household duties, personal care, nursing care, rehabilitation, day care, carers’ support, health promotion, and community support services to the elderly or families in need and persons with disability. These services enable elders to stay at home of their choice, while the carers are supported to perform their caring role.
Elderly Community Support Service provides different services for the elderly to facilitate them to live healthy, positive, active and happy lives. Integrated Home Care Services provides a wide spectrum of home care and support services by 8 Integrated Home Care (IHC) teams, e.g. nursing care, rehabilitation service, home safety and advice, home modification, personal care, escorting service, day respite, child care, laundry, meal delivery service, purchase of daily necessities, house cleaning, psycho-social intervention and referral service, etc. Day Care Service includes day care centre, home based rehabilitation and care, home care and care-giver support.
Advance Care Planning Project
Project Period
April 2021 - September 2023 (Project ended)
Our Society started to kick off Advance Care Planning Project since 2017; and scale up the project in 2021 with additional funding support of Vera Ruttonjee Desai Charitable Fund. This project aims to enhance service users’ understanding on advance care planning and preparing for their end of life so as to reduce regret and family distress.
Target Users
Elders living in the community who are
- aged 60 or above, with life threatening disease, e.g. mild dementia, cerebrovascular disease, cancer, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, kidney failure; or
- aged 80 or above
- Priority will be given to those financially deprived, e.g. recipients of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance/ Old Age Living Allowance/ Low-income family
Service Delivery
Advance Care Planning Casework Service
- Assist elders to formulate advance care plan*, facilitate family communication and make referral of related services
*Advance care planning (ACP) is an overarching and preceding communication process for adults with mental capacity to give prior expression of preferences for medical and personal care to family member and/ or medical professional when he/she can no longer make a decision. Elders may assign a surrogate to execute his/her preference; and the content of ACP may include preferences for medical care, property arrangement, funeral preference, organ donation and farewell with relatives and friends, etc. ACP placed emphasis on autonomy and communication, hence, review may be made according to changes of the elder’s physical condition and situation.
Late Life Wishes
- Facilitate/ financially support elders to fulfill their late life wishes e.g. production of life story book, photo/video taking for memory, revisit memorable place, farewell party.
Life and Death Conversations
- Provide a platform to help people to talk about death and dying; and reflect for life ahead.
Volunteer Training
- Provide training and service opportunities to volunteers to support project implementation.
ACP Care Line
- Trained volunteers will answer simple enquiries, provide emotional concern and assist in programme registration.
Community Education
- Through different methods such as talks, visits, workshops, outreaching booths to raise understanding on advance care planning.
Kowloon City Centre for Active Ageing
Tel: 2482 1303
WhatsApp: 9254 8512
Email: [email protected]