We provide integrated services with a child-centred, family-focused and community-based approach. Our integrated services promote resilience among families and individuals, and facilitate effective ways to prevent and cope with difficulties and challenges.
Currently we have 6 Integrated Family Service Centres located in North Point, Yau Tong, Shun Lee, Sham Shui Po, Tseung Kwan O and Kwai Chung. With a “family-centric” perspective, we provide comprehensive and professional services to families, to help them handle various problems, develop the potential of individuals and families, enhance family resilience and strengthen family mutual help in the community to build a caring society.
Family in Crisis Support Project
Strategic Partner and Funded by: Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation
Service Objectives
The Society has been providing various kinds of family support service. With the sponsorship of Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation, a two-year project namely “Family in Crisis Pilot Support Project” was launched in January 2017 in Kowloon District to provide financial and emotional support to the families that are suffering from crisis and assist them to reconstruct normal family functions.
Target Users
- Hong Kong residents; and
- Loss of breadwinners or breadwinners unable to work due to accident or family crisis, for example traffic accidents, industrial accidents, serious illness, natural disaster or fire; and
- Families with dependent children and youth; and
- Grass-root families with financial difficulties and related needs are not covered by Government-subvented services
Service Delivery
- Emergency Financial Assistance
- Inter-disciplinary Integrated Service: Social workers adopt casework approach to provide inter-disciplinary professional services to families as needed, including:
- Psychological First-aid
- Grief Counselling
- Volunteer Visit
- Referral to connect with mainstream social services when necessary
Service Hotline: 2772 2322
Family in Crisis Support Project
Yau Tong Integrated Family Service Centre
Application Form Application Guideline