家福會祝您新春快樂! - 新年電子賀咭及App Sticker有得下載啦!(Chinese Version Only)
農曆新年快到了,大家在忙於辦年貨、準備利是、相約家人朋友聚會的同時,不妨同步預先下載家福會2025新春電子賀咭及WhatsApp / Signal sticker,在節日期間搶先一步為親朋好友送上溫暖祝福。家福會預祝大家蛇年快樂、身體健康、團團圓圓!
農曆新年快到了,大家在忙於辦年貨、準備利是、相約家人朋友聚會的同時,不妨同步預先下載家福會2025新春電子賀咭及WhatsApp / Signal sticker,在節日期間搶先一步為親朋好友送上溫暖祝福。家福會預祝大家蛇年快樂、身體健康、團團圓圓!
冬至、平安夜、聖誕節,十二月是一個滿載節日氣氛的月份,大家熱衷於與家人共度歡樂時光。本會特別設計了一系列WhatsApp / Signal 貼圖及電子賀咭,方便大家於聖誕節向親朋好友互傳祝福!立即下載,與家人和朋友分享溫暖的祝福。
The “Carers Forum - New Perspectives on Family Caregiving” event, organised by The Society, was successfully held on 19 December. Experts from the social welfare, education, and healthcare sectors were invited to discuss on how cross-sector collaboration could support families on enhancing their effectiveness of caregiving. The event attracted nearly 200 participants.
The Society’s "Healthy Family - Creating Happiness Record" event has successfully concluded on 3 November. We were delighted to challenge the Guinness World Records by assembling over a thousand resistance bands to form the Chinese character of "Family" by the participating families. HKFWS is officially the new GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title holder for the "Largest Resistance Band Word"!
The Research Release cum symposium on “Divorced Family Support Services” organised by HKFWS’ Divorce Services, was successfully held on 13 December, with over 300 participants from different social welfare and education sectors. The results of the first-ever study on the "Non-residing Divorced Fathers Research" was also released during the event.
「嘉里香港街馬2024」於2024年12月8日順利完成,家福會作為是次活動的受惠慈善機構及合作伙伴之一, 一眾同事及他們的家人特別組成「家福會跑隊」參與活動,成功挑戰10公里賽事。
In recent years, the mental health of adolescents in Hong Kong has received significant attention. The Hong Kong Family Welfare Society (HKFWS) Youth Service "Power T.A.G. — Boosting Inner Strength Project" conducted the research report on "Exploration Studies on Key Factors Affecting Adolescent Mental Health in Hong Kong" during the 2023-2024 academic year and released the research findings on 8th October 2024.
This year marks the 75th anniversary of the Hong Kong Family Welfare Society (HKFWS). To celebrate this significant milestone, the Society held a 75th Anniversary Cocktail Reception on 3 September 2024 (Tuesday) at the Hong Kong Club. Over 200 guests from the political, business, and philanthropic sectors, as well as corporate partners and institutional representatives, were invited to witness this important milestone together and to spend an unforgettable evening.
賽馬會擁抱生命系列2.0「心.動啟航」計劃於2023-2024年度開展Power On 社區大使行動,以一連串聯校活動,凝聚來自不同中學的學生,讓青年人學習以歌聲唱出想法和情感,藉此培養他們表達自己的勇氣。
Organised by the RunOurCity Foundation Limited and co-hosted with HKFWS, the large-scale charity event "BEE CAMP at the Peak" with the concept of "Theme Park", was successfully held on 3 November,2024 (Sunday). The event incorporated four key elements: “Sports”, “Nutrition”, “Rest”, and “Communication”, allowing participants to experience a healthy lifestyle in a comprehensive way.
家福會很開心參與,由騰訊公益慈善基金會聯動WeChat PayHK舉辦的2024「久久公益節」配捐項目。
HKFWS held The 23rd Peer Mediation Project Accreditation Ceremony on July 6, 2024, at Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Kwai Chung). We were honoured to have Mr. Paul Lam, SBS, SC, JP, the Secretary for Justice, as our guest of honour. During the ceremony, apart from commending the peer mediators and participating schools that have actively promoted a harmonious school culture, there were also peer mediators from 20 secondary schools attended and shared their experiences and insights on promoting peer mediation.
家福會於 2022至 2024 年與專門從事靜觀研究的香港理工大學盧希皿博士合作,為長者照顧者及經歷壓力的家長設計一個自然為本靜觀課程,並進行相關研究以評估課程效益。
The Society’s "Home Sweet Home” ice-cream truck will be giving out free ice cream in our city on two consecutive Sundays in June as part of the anniversary celebrations. This event aims to provide a moment for public to enjoy ice-cream while sharing sweet moments with their families during the hot summer days.
The latest "Family First” Sharing Session themed "Gen-Y, Happy Marriage”, was successfully held on 20 June at our centre Renowned journalist Lo Sai Cheong continued to serve as our guest host, while famous artist Chris Lai Lok Yi and Carat Cheung Ming Nga were invited as guests. Together they shared insights from the perspective of married individuals as a Gen-Y, including their moments of married life, communication tips, and the secrets to maintaining a strong bond, with the participation of Yupo Yu, Senior Social Worker from HKFWS, providing professional advice.
5月25至26日舉辦的「Homeland」家庭市集 2024 有多達75個攤檔,透過每位檔主的家庭故事,帶出家福會本年度「愛在·家在」主題。
The first sharing session, themed "The Two Generations 'in Sync' ", was held on 19 April at Hong Kong Family Welfare Society’s North Point Integrated Family Service Centre. Renowned journalist Lo Sai Cheong served as the guest host, accompanied by former Hong Kong actress and singer Cindy Au, as well as champion of the talent show "Midlife, Sing & Shine!" , Albert Chau as guests, shared from the perspective of parents that how different family members could maintain family happiness in their roles. Kitty Chau, Chief Executive of Hong Kong Family Welfare Society, also inputted her professional insights.
家福會為了提高青少年對網絡安全和資訊素養的認識和重視,以及鼓勵他們運用數位工具和技能創造有意義的內容,特舉辦「資訊素養『P 大師』改圖比賽」。
「最緊要一家人企劃」推出首創以家庭為核心、由香港人用家角度出發的一站式網上平台 - 最緊要「返埋嚟」網站,藉著創意分享及提供一系列家庭生活資訊,包括一家人好去處、有衣食住行好介紹的「家有地圖」、不同家庭議題相關文章等,務求將開心和幸福感帶給香港每一個家庭,實踐「最緊要一家人」。