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2024「久久公益節」配捐項目|家福傳愛創新服務 (Chinese Version Only)

家福會很開心將會參與,由騰訊公益慈善基金會聯動WeChat PayHK舉辦的2024「久久公益節」配捐項目。


項目將於2024年9月1日至9月10日(包括首尾兩日)期間展開,捐款人可透過電子支付平台WeChat Pay HK「慈善入口」支持家福會,凡向本會捐出港幣$1,騰訊基金會將額外捐出港幣$1,如此類推,讓善款發揮雙倍支持與關愛,讓香港更多有需要的家庭和人士受惠。  


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HKFWS 75th Anniversary Cocktail Reception

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the Hong Kong Family Welfare Society. To celebrate this significant milestone, the Society will be hosting a 75th Anniversary Cocktail Reception on 3 September 2024 (Tuesday). Government officials, corporate partners, peers from the social welfare sector, HKFWS society members, and various guests have been invited to come together and commemorate this memorable evening with the Society.

75th Anniversary themed video: Love in Long-distance Families

Recently, there has been an increase in people choosing to immigrate. Despite the family members being physically apart, their relationship has grown even closer than before with their dedication to maintain the relationship. Family wellbeing should not be altered by distance; what truly matters is the effort we put into maintaining it.

This year, as the Society celebrates its 75th anniversary, we have collaborated with the online platform Mill MILK to convey the message "Family is where Love is." Just like Gary and his daughter Jancy in the video, even though Gary may feel sadness as his daughter goes to study aboard in Canada, he will seek to understand and encourage Jancy to pursue her passions. Meanwhile, in Hong Kong, Gary revives his dream of forming a band, bringing the family closer together. Despite the physical apart between Gary and his daughter, their increased communication and improved relationship demonstrate that "Family is where Love is."

家福會「自然為本靜觀課程研究」 (Chinese Version Only)

家福會於 2022至 2024 年與專門從事靜觀研究的香港理工大學盧希皿博士合作,為長者照顧者及經歷壓力的家長設計一個自然為本靜觀課程,並進行相關研究以評估課程效益。