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「家福關懷專線」 - 打電話. 訴心聲. 伴你同行! (Chinese Version Only)

家福關懷專線的一群受専業培訓的義工樂意為來電者提供情緒輔導及支援,並為有需要人士作服務轉介, 歡迎大家致電23423110傾訴心事, 舒緩壓力!

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HKFWS released of the research report on "Exploration Studies on Key Factors Affecting Adolescent Mental Health in Hong Kong"

In recent years, the mental health of adolescents in Hong Kong has received significant attention. The Hong Kong Family Welfare Society (HKFWS) Youth Service "Power T.A.G. — Boosting Inner Strength Project" conducted the research report on "Exploration Studies on Key Factors Affecting Adolescent Mental Health in Hong Kong" during the 2023-2024 academic year and released the research findings on 8th October.

家福會 護老者約章

支持「護老者約章」 表達你對護老者權利的支持及重視 (Chinese Version Only)



影片分享:長者服務前線員工對「以家為本」的理解和實踐 (Chinese Version Only)
