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【免費資源索取】《樂齡有愛》生活指南 (Chinese Version Only)


  • 介紹有關調解的精神及技巧,幫助長者認識化解爭議的方法,並運用在日常生活及與家人相處當中。
  • 羅列相關的社區資源,讓長者享用到合適的資源。







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The 23rd Peer Mediation Project Accreditation Ceremony

HKFWS held The 23rd Peer Mediation Project Accreditation Ceremony on July 6, 2024, at Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Kwai Chung). We were honoured to have Mr. Paul Lam, SBS, SC, JP, the Secretary for Justice, as our guest of honour. During the ceremony, apart from commending the peer mediators and participating schools that have actively promoted a harmonious school culture, there were also peer mediators from 20 secondary schools attended and shared their experiences and insights on promoting peer mediation.

誠邀您參與Power On 白籽音樂分享會 (Chinese Version Only)

「Power On 白籽音樂分享會」將於2024年8月2日(星期五)舉行以音樂分享會的形式讓學生經歷自我探索、籌備表演、唱歌訓練及公開表演等活動,把自己的經歷、情感和想法於舞台上呈現出來。我們期望建立青年人對個人能力的信心,同時讓大眾透過音樂瞭解青年人,從青年人的角度聆聽他們的心聲,以促進青年人與大眾的連結,歡迎公眾報名參與

「義」常幸福2024:快樂抗逆-支援獨居長者系列 (Chinese Version Only)
