Family Wellbeing

HKFWS is committed to enhancing family wellbeing. The Society helps families to understand the status of their family wellbeing by conducting socially relevant and culturally appropriate research such as the Hong Kong Family Wellbeing Index. Based on their own research, we have created an online self-assessment tool covering six family domains that enable anyone to benchmark their own family wellbeing to further understand their own family situation. We also provide professional advice to enhance the family wellbeing of the general public.

Family Solidarity

How can we encourage family members to share and cultivate housework habits?

Doing housework is one of your family responsibilities. Practically speaking, it helps build a sense of belonging and foster family relationships. You can motivate your children to do housework by reviewing their interests, age, and ability. If they are able to or express interest in cleaning or repairing the household’s electrical appliances, you can give them a trial.  With accumulated experience and family encouragement, it would be easier for them to take up more housework.