What is “co-parenting” for divorced family? How does it help divorced family’s children?
Although the relationship between the divorced couples comes to the end, their role as parents to their children is eternal. Children still have their right to stay in touch with their parents. If couples have transformed themselves into “co-parenting partners”, who are always in conflicts and show their resentments, it will pose much challenges for co-parenting and the “partners” will find difficulty in coordinating with each other. Children are “sandwiched” between them and they are not easy to get along with their parents.
We help the divorced family cultivate the “child-focused” co-parenting perspective. By learning emotion management, conflict resolution, and negotiation skills, they can focus on the well-being of their children to maintain peaceful and rational communication for the benefits of their children to create two happy families.
The divorce of parents may cast doubt for children and they will easily have negative emotions, worries, and even consider that they have been abandoned, which would pose adverse effects on their growth eventually. However, if parents can avoid their conflicts and practise the “child-focused” co-parenting to help their children express, receive love and maintain positive relationship with their parents, which will help them easily adapt to the family changes.
Source: Ms. Sze, Social Worker, Hong Kong Family Welfare Society