
Couples relationships affects individuals and even the whole family. Our professional team provides information and practical tips on our services to prevent problems appearing among couples and enhance their relationships. When their relationships are on the rocks, we provide advice on solutions for their problems to ensure couples can learn and grow together.


After divorce, I meet a person whom I like but I am hesitated if I can develop a new relationship. What should I do?

It is a blessing to meet someone you like. While you don’t want to miss this opportunity, you may also be afraid of repeating the same mistake of divorce in your new marriage. It makes sense if you feel hesitated and think twice about developing a new relationship.  However, the most important thing is that whether you are ready to develop the new relationship. You may ignore the previous grievances, guilt, shame, hurt, etc. as your passion to love and to be loved are great. Similar situations and negative feeling might appear again in the new relationship.

After divorce, apart from taking more time to adapt to the new lifestyle, divorced couples need much space to heal, re-adjust the past relationship, enhance self-understanding and adjust expectation for intimate relationships as well.

Re-adjusting the past experience and getting prepared yourself (physically and mentally) for the new life, including intimate relationships, avoid bringing the poor experience from the past marriage to the new relationship. Forgetting the past may give you brevity to receive new relationship.

If you have any queries on this issue, welcome to contact the Jockey Club ‘Let Go and Let’s Go’ Support Project for Divorce and Blended Families.

Ms. Ho, Social Worker, Jockey Club ‘Let Go and Let’s Go’ Support Project for Divorce and Blended Families