Disputes and mediation
If I have difficulty communicating with my spouse, can I accept family mediation service unilaterally?
Only if both parties agree to separate/divorce and are willing to attend the mediation interview together can they receive family mediation service. The parties need to inform the other party of their intention to separate/divorce and have contacted our Centre (you can provide the other party with service information such as leaflets or the website of the Mediation Centre (https://www.mediationcentrehk.org). If the other party does not object, our Centre can contact him/her and invite him/her to accept this service. This can make the other party more psychologically prepared, and may be more willing to accept family mediation service.
To learn more about the legal responsibilities, rights, and resources related to divorce, please click to download the "Booklet on Divorce & Maintenance" at http://mediationcentrehk.org/l/maintenance-booklet-en
Source: Mediation Centre