Maintenance and property arrangements
What are the tips for payee?
1. Do not ask your child to recover maintenance from the payer when encountering such issues, nor should you argue on maintenance or speak ill of the payer in the presence of your child. However, payee may share with the child about the financial pressure of the family and guide the child to learn how to manage money properly, which is very helpful for the child to learn to face adversity.
2. Do not deny the payer access to your child even if maintenance from the payer is not received. The payer's failure to fulfil promise will make the payee angry and disappointed, but it is not advisable to cut off or obstruct the payer's contact with the child as punishment. The child will only perceive violence being met with violence, and the beloved child of the parties will in fact be the one harmed most.
3. Sharing the use of maintenance for the child with the payer from time to time might effectively alleviate the payer’s concerns and disputes about the use of maintenance. This will help the other party to continue to provide maintenance.
4. Family mediation service can be used If the payer is in arrears of maintenance payments. If the payer is unwilling, the payee can apply to the court to require the payer to pay the arrears in maintenance and related costs to the payee.
To learn more about the legal responsibilities, rights, and resources related to divorce, please click to download the "Booklet on Divorce & Maintenance" at http://mediationcentrehk.org/l/maintenance-booklet-en
Source: Mediation Centre