
HKFWS takes a “Family-centric” perspective for service development. We believe family is paramount and devote ourselves to strengthen family wellbeing. Regardless of family backgrounds or facing difficulties, we are pleased to provide support. We also utilise community resources to alleviate their imminent hardships. Some advices are provided by our professional team derived from their past working experience here for your reference when you are in need.

Family Problem

What is separation? If we live together in the same household, can it be considered as separation?

Separation means one party moving out. It may still be considered as separation if both parties still live in the same household. But they must sleep in different rooms, have no intimate relationships, no sharing of means and social lives and their relationship is similar to two tenants living in the same household.

Source:Mediation Centre

If you would like to know more information on Divorce Applications, please click here to visit the Media Centre website.