Volunteer Service

The Society aims to promote the personal growth of the volunteer and build up their confidence through volunteer services and thereby serving different groups in need and building a caring community. Please read our advice below if you are interested in our volunteer service.

Volunteer Service

How can I register as a volunteer of the Hong Kong Family Welfare Society?

All Hong Kong residents are eligible to register as volunteer member of the Society. Applicants under the age of 14 must obtain the consent and signature of their guardians. The Society provides several convenient and fast registration channels for encouraging the public to take part in volunteer services. Applications can be made in person at our service units or applicants can register online at the Society’s Website. For the details of our volunteer services, please visit the Society’s Volunteer Registration Website https://www.hkfws.org.hk/support/volunteer or call us at 27711891.


Sources: Ms. Woo, Coordinator (Volunteer Service), Hong Kong Family Welfare Society