
HKFWS reaches youngsters in their campuses. With the aim of "strengthening families", we provide professional counselling service to nurture youngsters’ holistic development. Stepping into the Generation Z, youngsters indulge in internet, which creates family conflicts and parenting problems. Our social workers help youngsters facilitate their communications with parents and relieve family tension to promote mutual respect and understanding among family members.

Learning Problem

Public examination is approaching so the children are getting nervous. As parents, what should we do to help them?

School social workers have received a lot of enquiries from parents before DSE in recent years. Parents are concerned about their children are stressful in the run up of the examination and would like to learn how can they help to relieve their pressure.

Parents are advised to adjust their worrying level to avoid being affected by their children’s negative emotions. Try not to be critical and compare their children with others. Children will find parents’ company and listening ears very helpful. If parents can share their own experience of sitting for open examinations with their children, children will understand parents have faced similar challenges before and can learn from them how to cope with pressure.

Parents can also support their children in other ways such as cooking soup and children’s favorite dish to show support, arrange a pre site visit to the examination centre so as to find out the most suitable route, etc.

Encouraging children to spend time on doing outdoor activities, such as playing badminton, go hiking or doing other exercises is also good for relaxing.

We do not support parents buying drugs at pharmacies to help ease children’s sleeping problems. Parents are advised to consult doctors and follow doctor’s instructions to take prescribed drugs to help tackle children’s sleeping and eating disorder problems, etc.

Source: Mr. Ting, Social Worker, Hong Kong Family Welfare Society