Event Highlights

家福會「香港學童網絡遊戲成癮研究」 (Chinese Version Only)




  • 11.8%的學童存在網絡遊戲成癮問題
  • 36.2%的學童每天花費3小時或更長的時間在網絡遊戲上
  • 70.6%表現出抑鬱情緒
  • 29.8%情緒管理能力較差



  • 與子女建立明確的規則和界限
  • 鼓勵孩子發揮多元興趣
  • 多與子女溝通,提升家庭關係


  • 加強教育和宣傳
  • 開展有關網絡安全和遊戲成癮的教育活動


  • 提供針對性的治療和輔導資源
  • 投放資源進行網絡遊戲成癮的研究和監測


  • 接受專業培訓,以提供專門針對網絡遊戲成癮的輔導和治療小組服務
  • 了解學童網絡遊戲成癮的潛在成因


Other news

“Home Sweet Home” Ice-Cream Truck

The Society’s "Home Sweet Home” ice-cream truck will be giving out free ice cream in our city on two consecutive Sundays in June as part of the anniversary celebrations. This event aims to provide a moment for public to enjoy ice-cream while sharing sweet moments with their families during the hot summer days.

"Family First” Sharing Session - "Gen-Y, Happy Marriage”

The latest "Family First” Sharing Session themed "Gen-Y, Happy Marriage”, was successfully held on 20 June at our centre Renowned journalist Lo Sai Cheong continued to serve as our guest host, while famous artist Chris Lai Lok Yi and Carat Cheung Ming Nga were invited as guests. Together they shared insights from the perspective of married individuals as a Gen-Y, including their moments of married life, communication tips, and the secrets to maintaining a strong bond, with the participation of Yupo Yu, Senior Social Worker from HKFWS, providing professional advice.

Homeland 家庭市集2024 檔主的故事 (Chinese Version Only)

5月25至26日舉辦的「Homeland」家庭市集 2024 有多達75個攤檔,透過每位檔主的家庭故事,帶出家福會本年度「愛在·家在」主題。