Event Highlights

HKFWS released of the research report on "Exploration Studies on Key Factors Affecting Adolescent Mental Health in Hong Kong"

In recent years, the mental health of adolescents in Hong Kong has received significant attention. The Hong Kong Family Welfare Society (HKFWS) Youth Service "Power T.A.G. — Boosting Inner Strength Project" conducted the research report on "Exploration Studies on Key Factors Affecting Adolescent Mental Health in Hong Kong" during the 2023-2024 academic year and released the research findings on 8th October 2024.

The "Power T.A.G. — Boosting Inner Strength Project" surveyed over 4,000 secondary school students to understand their mental health status and identify influencing factors for providing effective and appropriate support.

The survey results indicate that more than half of the adolescents believe youth mental health in Hong Kong is “unsatisfactory”. Among the overall responding students, nearly 14% of them feel that the situation is “very unsatisfactory”, indicating that in addition to supporting adolescents, families, schools and communities should strengthen collaboration to increase relevant resources and promote adolescent mental health.

 Research findings and our recommendations (Chinese Version Only)

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