「又到聖誕!又到聖誕!」 家福會呈獻 – 聖誕電子賀咭及App Sticker (Chinese Version Only)
冬至、平安夜、聖誕節,十二月是一個滿載節日氣氛的月份,大家熱衷於與家人共度歡樂時光。本會特別設計了一系列WhatsApp / Signal 貼圖及電子賀咭,方便大家於聖誕節向親朋好友互傳祝福!立即下載,與家人和朋友分享溫暖的祝福。
賽馬會擁抱生命系列2.0「心.動啟航」計劃於2023-2024年度開展Power On 社區大使行動,以一連串聯校活動,凝聚來自不同中學的學生,讓青年人學習以歌聲唱出想法和情感,藉此培養他們表達自己的勇氣。
Power On社區大使將過去十個月的成長和經歷帶進社區舞台,孕育了「白籽音樂分享會」的誕生。他們蛻變成為能夠在舞台上唱出所想所感的一顆顆「 凡星」,讓觀眾了解他們在成長中的掙扎和對尋夢的渴望。是次演出廣獲好評,觀眾均表示對青年人的不同面向有進一步的了解。
如欲重溫Power On社區大使的成長歷程和音樂分享會,歡迎透過JC Power T.A.G. YouTube頻道(請按此了解更多),或點擊以下連結收看。
請按此收看「Power On 歷程回顧」;
請按此收看「白籽音樂分享會 精華片段」
冬至、平安夜、聖誕節,十二月是一個滿載節日氣氛的月份,大家熱衷於與家人共度歡樂時光。本會特別設計了一系列WhatsApp / Signal 貼圖及電子賀咭,方便大家於聖誕節向親朋好友互傳祝福!立即下載,與家人和朋友分享溫暖的祝福。
The “Carers Forum - New Perspectives on Family Caregiving” event, organised by The Society, was successfully held on 19 December. Experts from the social welfare, education, and healthcare sectors were invited to discuss on how cross-sector collaboration could support families on enhancing their effectiveness of caregiving. The event attracted nearly 200 participants.
The Society’s "Healthy Family - Creating Happiness Record" event has successfully concluded on 3 November. We were delighted to challenge the Guinness World Records by assembling over a thousand resistance bands to form the Chinese character of "Family" by the participating families. HKFWS is officially the new GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title holder for the "Largest Resistance Band Word"!