Event Highlights

《流水落花》慈善首映 | 「寄住愛‧築福家庭」計劃 (Chinese Version Only)

根據家福會於2018-19年度進行的「香港寄養兒童的精神健康情況和需要研究報告」,指出寄養兒童的家庭背景比較複雜,當中40.2% 的受訪寄養兒童在心理、學習、社交都出現較多的狀況及需要。

家福會寄養服務於今年推出「寄住愛 · 築福家庭」計劃,透過由鄭秀文、陸駿光、談善言主演的電影《流水落花》慈善首映籌募經費,所籌得的善款,扣除成本後全數用於家福會的寄養服務,為有需要的寄養兒童提供學習及訓練機會,也為寄養兒童及原生家庭實現小小心願。

承蒙三間主要贊助機構,包括「鑽石計劃」贊助「淨緣慈善基金」﹑「金計劃」贊助「iKwok Charitable Fund」﹑「銀計劃」贊助「怡珊亞洲慈善基金」 支持,以及其他公司和機構﹑公眾人士的捐款,電影《流水落花》慈善首映於2023年2月27晚圓滿結束。




Other news

“Home Sweet Home” Ice-Cream Truck

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"Family First” Sharing Session - "Gen-Y, Happy Marriage”

The latest "Family First” Sharing Session themed "Gen-Y, Happy Marriage”, was successfully held on 20 June at our centre Renowned journalist Lo Sai Cheong continued to serve as our guest host, while famous artist Chris Lai Lok Yi and Carat Cheung Ming Nga were invited as guests. Together they shared insights from the perspective of married individuals as a Gen-Y, including their moments of married life, communication tips, and the secrets to maintaining a strong bond, with the participation of Yupo Yu, Senior Social Worker from HKFWS, providing professional advice.

Homeland 家庭市集2024 檔主的故事 (Chinese Version Only)

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