家福會祝您新春快樂! - 新年電子賀咭及App Sticker有得下載啦!(Chinese Version Only)
農曆新年快到了,大家在忙於辦年貨、準備利是、相約家人朋友聚會的同時,不妨同步預先下載家福會2025新春電子賀咭及WhatsApp / Signal sticker,在節日期間搶先一步為親朋好友送上溫暖祝福。家福會預祝大家蛇年快樂、身體健康、團團圓圓!
HKFWS held The 23rd Peer Mediation Project Accreditation Ceremony on July 6, 2024, at Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Kwai Chung). We were honoured to have Mr. Paul Lam, SBS, SC, JP, the Secretary for Justice, as our guest of honour. During the ceremony, apart from commending the peer mediators and participating schools that have actively promoted a harmonious school culture, there were alsopeer mediators from 20 secondary schools attended and shared their experiences and insights on promoting peer mediation.
Mr. Paul Lam, SBS, SC, JP, the Secretary for Justice and the guest of honour, expressed his hope that students who completed the peer mediator training and engaged in the mediation education activities would learn active listening and demonstrate empathy. He also emphasised the importance of resolving conflicts peacefully, not only within their birth families but also when they venture into society, and encouraged them to continue embodying the spirit of mediation to create a better and more harmonious society.
Since 2001, HKFWS Youth Services has been implementing the "Peer Mediation Project" which focuses on schools and has successfully served over 210 primary and secondary schools as well as tertiary institutions. We are proud to have trained more than 8,000 students as "Peer Mediators."
農曆新年快到了,大家在忙於辦年貨、準備利是、相約家人朋友聚會的同時,不妨同步預先下載家福會2025新春電子賀咭及WhatsApp / Signal sticker,在節日期間搶先一步為親朋好友送上溫暖祝福。家福會預祝大家蛇年快樂、身體健康、團團圓圓!
冬至、平安夜、聖誕節,十二月是一個滿載節日氣氛的月份,大家熱衷於與家人共度歡樂時光。本會特別設計了一系列WhatsApp / Signal 貼圖及電子賀咭,方便大家於聖誕節向親朋好友互傳祝福!立即下載,與家人和朋友分享溫暖的祝福。