Event Highlights

「逆流義行」義工大賞 (Chinese Version Only)

家福會義工部日前以網上形式舉行了「逆流義行」義工大賞。來自12 間服務中心,共百多名義工應邀出席,交流及分享他們參與義務工作的心得。本會企業營運總監冼啓智先生向義工致謝辭及勉勵他們繼續支持本會服務。陳灼明先生(深水埗愛心飯堂明哥) 、義工徐艾儀女士(家褔關懷專線) 及高子维先生(「大手牽小手」離異家庭兒童伴行計劃)分享他們「行義」的心得。營養師Rosanne Lee講解抗疫飲食及推介餐單,義工鄒康妮女士主厨則為參加者進行烹調示範。大會亦為參加者設有獎問答遊戲及播放錄製服務回顧短片,場面熱鬧和溫馨。


陳灼明先生(深水埗愛心飯堂明哥) 道出為區內貧苦大眾贈飯送暖的好人好事。

義工徐艾儀女士(家褔關懷專線) 及高子维先生(「大手牽小手」離異家庭兒童伴行計劃)分享他們「行義」的心得。

營養師Rosanne Lee講解抗疫飲食及推介餐單,義工鄒康妮女士主厨進行烹調示範。


如有有關本會義工服務查詢及聯絡,請致電:2771 1891。


Other news

“Home Sweet Home” Ice-Cream Truck

The Society’s "Home Sweet Home” ice-cream truck will be giving out free ice cream in our city on two consecutive Sundays in June as part of the anniversary celebrations. This event aims to provide a moment for public to enjoy ice-cream while sharing sweet moments with their families during the hot summer days.

"Family First” Sharing Session - "Gen-Y, Happy Marriage”

The latest "Family First” Sharing Session themed "Gen-Y, Happy Marriage”, was successfully held on 20 June at our centre Renowned journalist Lo Sai Cheong continued to serve as our guest host, while famous artist Chris Lai Lok Yi and Carat Cheung Ming Nga were invited as guests. Together they shared insights from the perspective of married individuals as a Gen-Y, including their moments of married life, communication tips, and the secrets to maintaining a strong bond, with the participation of Yupo Yu, Senior Social Worker from HKFWS, providing professional advice.

Homeland 家庭市集2024 檔主的故事 (Chinese Version Only)

5月25至26日舉辦的「Homeland」家庭市集 2024 有多達75個攤檔,透過每位檔主的家庭故事,帶出家福會本年度「愛在·家在」主題。