
HKFWS is always committed to promoting “Ageing in Place” and release new service initiatives. To support the elderly and their family members to live in a familiar place, our professional team shares some useful information and suggestions here to address the elders’ physical and psychological needs.

Mental Health

I will retire soon and am worried that I won’t be able to adapt to my post-retirement life. It will be helpful if someone can offer me some suggestions.

Many people think the post retirement stage is very boring and the retirees’ physical condition will deteriorate faster. These misunderstandings have caused a lot of anxiety and stress. In fact, retirees have to cope with a number of changes, including their role at workplace, social life, family relationship, daily routines, etc. All these required well planning in advance. To enjoy the new stage of life, the following areas should be taken into account in retirement planning: healthy eating, doing exercise regularly, financial planning and make full use of the retirees’ potentials.

Retirees may consider to participate at a variety of activities organised by our Kowloon City Centre for Active Ageing. You can also do volunteer work to help the needy. Retirees living in other districts can visit the District Elderly Community Centre or Neighbourhood Elderly Centre in your neighbourhood. You may visit Social Welfare Department website for their contact details and address.

Source: Ms. Chung, Elderly Service Social Worker, Hong Kong Family Welfare Society