Arrangements for children
What if the parties cannot reach an agreement on custody and access arrangements for the children?
The court will direct the Social Welfare Department to prepare a social investigation report on the family background, past children care situations, the current situation of each family member, and the views of the parents/children/other interested parties on the custody and access arrangements, etc.. Meanwhile, the court may also encourage the parties to accept family mediation services to facilitate reaching a consensus on children arrangements.
The judge will make orders on children custody and access arrangements based on the investigation report and other relevant evidence. Ideally, the parties should first discuss the interests of the children through family mediation and determine the proper custody of the children, care arrangements, and arrangements for the time for them to spend time with the children, so as to alleviate the negative impact of the dispute on the children.
To learn more about the legal responsibilities, rights, and resources related to divorce, please click to download the "Booklet on Divorce & Maintenance" at http://mediationcentrehk.org/l/maintenance-booklet-en
Source: Mediation Centre